How can young people make a difference in Camden? - Camden Rise

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How can young people make a difference in Camden?

Camden Youth MPs and Deputy Youth MPs, including Hdayet (centre) and Aya (far right) lead the recent Shout Out event, along with fellow members of Camden Youth Council.

By Farjana Khan, aged 17

I interviewed three members of Camden Youth Council (CYC), two of whom are our current Youth MPs. I asked them each questions about what it’s like being part of the CYC and the benefits. 

Aya, 17, is one of Camden’s Youth MPs. She said she joined CYC because she has “always been interested and passionate about social justice” and also because she wanted to be part of something that "made a difference” to her community. She wanted to become a Youth MP for a similar reason - “I’m passionate about advocating for young voices and I thought this would be the perfect opportunity." From knowing Aya, I can tell that she is keen to help in any way possible, no matter how big or small the situation may be. 

Assma, 16, who is a student at Maria Fidelis Catholic School and a Youth Council member, said: “I ran for Youth MP as I felt that there were certain topics and things that weren’t being touched and were being ignored by Camden." Assma said she wanted to shine a light on topics which impacted those around her, as well as herself. Although she wasn’t elected as one of the Youth MPs in the last election, Assma stayed on as a member of CYC - “I didn’t have to be something as big as a Youth MP to have my voice heard and, as a member of the Youth Council, I could still make a difference." 

Hdayet, 18, who is one of Camden's Deputy Youth MPs, shared some of the benefits of the CYC - “There's lots of opportunities to develop your skills and be more aware of what is happening around you. Many organisations work with us, which is perfect for networking and getting your foot in early as a member of the youth. From my own experience, I was lucky enough to engage with The Hive, a free mental health service for young people, and have them speak at our most recent Shout Out event about their services and how they can help." Hdayet also explained how he enjoys the atmosphere at CYC - “We are able to work together as a team to divide the workload. It’s fun to engage with something beneficial to our society, yet still be rewarded myself."

I hope these words from Aya, Assma and Hdayet will motivate you to strive for change. You can start by being part of Camden Youth Council - give the youth a voice!

Farjana Khan, Camden Youth Council member.