News - Camden Rise

News and blogs
News and blogs

While Camden youth and play centre buildings are closed to children and young people, these projects are finding new ways to help keep local children and young people connected to their centre or project and each other. Find out more about what's on offer and how to get involved  Camden Council youth projects - virtual youth programmes, June 2020: Fresh Youth Academy - virtual youth...

It is important to look after your sexual health and contraception needs during this time. Please contact us, we won't judge you! Brook Euston, the Brandon Centre and Pulse N7 remain open during Covid-19. We offer telephone consultations, with booked appointments where needed. Please call us before coming to a clinic. Don’t delay accessing: emergency and regular contraception testing and...

To help young people to understand and challenge some of the common misunderstandings around coronavirus (COVID-19), our public health experts in Camden have put together this useful Q&A in a true or false format. Test yourself - find out if what you thought is actually based on fact or not. 1.    Coronavirus can ONLY be spread by touching someone - FALSE Coronavirus...

Camden's Careers and Connexions service is offering 'virtual drop-ins' for young people who want to talk to an adviser about jobs, education, training or apprenticeships. The telephone advice sessions are available Monday to Friday, from 10am to 1pm and 2pm to 4pm, via the phone number 020 7974 7252. Find out more about local jobs, training and education opportunities: Read or download the...

Kooth offers free, safe and anonymous online wellbeing and mental health support for young people aged 11 to 18 - and it's available in Camden. If you live in Camden, you can sign up now for confidential support through a text-based conversation with a qualified counsellor. You can also join online forums and discussion boards with other young people, read articles written by young...