News - Camden Rise

Angel Shed arts charity has free youth theatre places available for ages 10 to 13 and music places for ages 12 to 19 - all welcome, with no experience needed and no auditions. One-to-one support can be provided depending on capacity. You can be a resident in any borough to join. Angel Shed is based at City and Islington College, close to the border with Camden. See map. ...
Find free and low-cost winter holiday activities for children and young people of all ages. Camden Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme. This runs from 23 December to 3 January and is open for children and young people aged 5 to 16 who live in Camden and are eligible for free school meals. The programme offers free, fun activities and ...
Youth Celebration Week concluded on 6 December with the Camden Youth Awards, where young people, youth workers, youth projects and volunteers had their achievements and contributions recognised. The event took place at Acland Burghley School's Hall for All. Disabled children and young people's performing arts charity icandance was named Best Voluntary Sector Project...
Youth Celebration Week has launched - with events and activities to empower young people, youth workers and professionals, including the announcement of our Youth Safety Multi Media Competition winners and runners-up. The aim to raise awareness of the Camden Council's commitment to youth safety and provide young people with the tools to stay safe, get involved in their...
Camden Youth Dance Festival is an annual celebration of dance by young people across Camden. It's a fantastic chance for young people from schools and community groups across the borough to showcase their talent on a professional stage at renowned contemporary dance venue, The Place, in King’s Cross. You need to apply by 13 December. The festival...