Camden’s new Youth MP and Deputy Youth MPs elected - Camden Rise

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Camden’s new Youth MP and Deputy Youth MPs elected

Zarin Bakhshzaad, Youth MP (centre), with DYMPs Harvey O'Brien (left) and Niesha Akyeampong (right).

Zarin Bakhshzaad has been elected as Camden’s new Youth MP in a boroughwide election held in schools and youth centres.

Zarin, 17, a former La Sainte Union Catholic School student who is now studying for her A-levels at South Hampstead High School Sixth Form, received 962 votes out of a total 4,818 votes cast – an amazing 20 per cent of the vote.

Meanwhile, Niesha Akyeampong, 14, and Harvey O'Brien, 13, have been elected as the borough’s new Deputy Youth MPs. Niesha is a student at Maria Fidelis Catholic School and Harvey attends Acland Burghley School.

The three young people will serve a two-year term of office.

Zarin said: "Thank you so much – it is an honour to have this position and I promise to do my utmost to represent the young people of Camden."