Youth Offending Service - Camden Rise

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Youth Justice Service

Camden’s Youth Justice Service (YJS) works with young people, aged 10 to 17, and their families to tackle issues that might lead to offending behaviour, as well as helping to prevent young people at risk of offending from getting involved in crime and jeopardising their future prospects.

  • Running local crime prevention programmes and offering voluntary support programmes
  • Helping young people and their families at court
  • Supervising young people serving a community sentence
  • Staying in touch with a young person if they’re sentenced to custody

More info and blogs

You said...we did - feedback and actions 

You can read about how the Youth Justice Service has responded to feedback from young people accessing the service in this short summary document.

Referral Orders - Youth Justice Service

Supervision Contract and Expectations - Youth Justice Service

Youth Court – Youth Justice Service

Reparation – Youth Justice Service