Get healthy - Camden Rise

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Free confidential health advice from your GP

Your GP can give help you with health problems like asthma and diabetes, and for confidential support with your mental health. 
Anything you discuss with your GP is confidential, even if you are under 16. The GP will not share this information without your consent unless you are at risk of harm.

Choosing a GP

If you aren’t already registered with a GP, look for a GP practice that is convenient for you, has good reviews and taking on new patients. You can also ask friends or family for recommendations.

Find your nearest GP by visiting Find a GP - NHS and entering your postcode.

Registering for a GP

You can register with a GP and book appointments yourself if you’re 16 or older. 

If you’re under 16, a parent or carer might need to fill out a registration form on your behalf. Once you’ve found a GP near you, visit them in person or sign up online to register.

You'll need proof of identity like a passport, birth certificate or driving licence and proof of address – this could be a mobile phone bill or your national insurance number documents.

Changing GPs

If you are unhappy with your GP, you can request a different doctor or can register with another practice.