News - Camden Rise

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News and blogs

Many children and young people have found the pandemic and its impact on their lives extremely difficult, including those Camden pupils and students who have had to self-isolate at home due to COVID-19 cases at their school or college. To help you stay happy and healthy, we've put together some of the best online resources we could find. Kooth - a free, safe and anonymous online...

Fourteen young candidates are standing for election to become Camden’s next Youth MP. The candidates, aged 12 to 17, have published their manifestos, covering key issues that affect young people in Camden. Due to the COVID-19 emergency, voting will now take place in September 2020 and will determine a new Youth MP and two Deputy Youth MPs to represent Camden young people. As well as putting...

Young people voted on ideas for new projects and ideas to improve youth safety during the Shout Out debate in the Council Chamber last Thursday (13 February). The event, organised by Camden Youth Council and Camden's Youth MP, was attended by youth clubs and projects across the borough, as well as local secondary school students. About 100 young people voted on which of six pitches they...

Year 9 and 10 students from Acland Burghley School have been announced as the overall winners of the Camden Youth Safety Week 2020 Multi-Media Competition. The students were each presented with £50 vouchers and certificates at an awards event last night (Wednesday, 5 February) by Councillor Abdul Hai, the Council’s Cabinet Member for Young People and Cohesion and Co-Chair of the borough’s...

Camden’s week of action on youth safety, from 10 to 14 February, combines events, performances and workshops to provide support for the borough’s young people and their families and raise awareness of what is being done locally to help keep Camden’s young people safe. Youth Safety Week will kick off at Camden House, Camden Market, on Monday 10 February with a market place event, bringing...