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About Construction Management Plans

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Helping to minimise the impact of construction

The submission of the Construction Management Plan (CMP) to help minimise the impact of construction

Steps to submitting a CMP:

You must account for timescales of CMPs in construction programmes and contracts.

  1. prepare your CMP: Construction Management Plan (CMP) pro-forma (Word)
  2. statement and Checklist for: Cumulative Impact Areas in Cental London (Editable -PDF)
  3. read the community liaison guidance (PDF) and construction working group for developers and Contractors (PDF)
  4. read the Camden Minimum Requirements (PDF)
  5. read the Guide for Contractors Working in Camden (PDF)
  6. advice note the CMP Implementation Fee and Bonds
  7. submit your CMP to:

Note: It can take around six to twelve weeks or more to approve the CMP, depending on the nature of the development and the number of revisions submitted.


Construction charging rates and bonds

As part of Section 106 agreement, we apply formal charges and bonds. This is to support the setting up of Construction and Demolition Management Plans (CMPs):

Implementation Support Contribution levels (PDF)

Construction Impact Bonds(PDF)

Council officers have developed a list of enhanced requirements we think are needed to set against the impacts of several sites working close to one another. We think it is reasonable to expand what we ask of developers and their contractors in such areas. This might include:

  • increased environmental standards
  • improved communication liaison requirements
  • the conduct of site operatives
  • hours of construction.

All sites in the Cumulative Impact Area (CIA) area with a CMP requirement must complete the CIA Checklist and provide it as an appendix to the CMP. We will not accept a CMP until you have given us this.

Cumulative Impact Area – Central London Checklist